- 1st (kick-off) meeting (20-03-2012): LRFF (LHC RF Fingers) Task Force: Kick-off meeting! (EM).

- 2nd meeting (27-03-2012): Past work on the PIMs, PIMs' crisis and PIMs Working Group (EM. EM discussed with Pierre Strubin on Monday afternoon), Start of the equipment review: some equipments from TE/VSC => Vacuum Modules in LHC Experiments (VB).

- 3rd meeting (03-04-2012): News on the VMTSA impedance: CST simulations (BS), Past development work on RF contacts (Sergio Calatroni), Picture from PETRA III with an RF finger problem (Rainer Wanzenberg, DESY).

- 4th meeting (10-04-2012): Equipment review: some equipments from TE/VSC => Vacuum modules in the LHC septa (VB).

- 5th meeting (17-04-2012): What was wrong with the Plug-In Modules (PIMs) in the cold part of LHC? (Pierre Strubin).

- 6th meeting (24-04-2012): Equipment review: some equipments from BE/BI (RV).

- 7th meeting (08-05-2012): Equipment review: some equipments from TE/ABT (MB and WW).

- 8th meeting (29-05-2012): Longitudinal impedance simulation studies of VMTSA (OK).

- 9th meeting (05-06-2012): New design for RF fingers (Cedric Garion, TE-VSC-EIV) and Some pictures of the wake field suppressor in the LHCb VELO (EM).

- 10th meeting (12-06-2012): Past impedances studies with the RF fingers for some collimators (AG) + slides (AG).

- 11th meeting (26-06-2012): More information about the wake field suppressor in the LHCb VELO (Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi, PH-LBD), TDI and VMTSA temperature history (VB).

- 12th meeting (21-08-2012): Beam impedance of 63mm VM with  unshielded Bellows (OB), Longitudinal impedance of new RF fingers (BS), Electromagnetic Simulations of VMTSA Equipped with the Longer RF Fingers (OK), Typical NC in Warm Modules Following X-ray campaign (VB).

- 13th meeting (11-09-2012): Review of ferrites used at CERN to damp HOMs: references, manufacturers, thermal treatments, etc. (all the groups: TE/VSC, EN/STI, TE/ABT, BE/RF, BE/BI, BE/ABP, EN/MME, etc.) and discussion about the ferrite for the BSRT (SlidesFromMG).

- 14th meeting (25-09-2012): Status report of this task force (EM).

- 15th meeting (16-10-2012): Measured TT2-111R ferrite's properties: EM-wise (ChristineV) + additional slide from ChristineV and vacuum-wise (VB).

- 16th meeting (23-10-2012): Follow-up of the previous actions (everybody) => Starts to become URGENT!

- 17th meeting (30-10-2012): Follow-up of the previous actions from 14th, 15th and 16th meetings (everybody) => Starts to become URGENT! EM (Action 19): Penetration depth in ferrite and practical recommendation for the thickness (EM and FC), AlessandroB (Action 12) and OK (Actions 5 and 6).

- 18th meeting (06-11-2012): Follow-up of the previous actions from 14th, 15th and 16th meetings (everybody) => Starts to become URGENT! MG (Action 1), OB (Actions 11 and 2) and FC and MB (Action 9).

- 19th meeting (20-11-2012 => Last working meeting!): Follow-up of the previous actions from 14th, 15th and 16th meetings (everybody) => Starts to become URGENT! AlessandroB (Actions 15 and 16), Some RF contacts (with power transmission lines) issues in 2012 in the SPS (Eric Montesinos), Some pictures of the TCDD of sector A4L2 with some twisted RF fingers: 1, 2, 3, 4 (VB), Discussion about abstracts for IPAC13.

- 20th meeting (27-11-2012):
                - From 09:00 till 10:30: Wrap-up by EM: pdf and ppt (including comments made during the meeting). List of all the non conformities (VB).
                - At 19:30: FONDUE at the "Cafe du Soleil" (Petit-Saconnex) => Picture.