Minutes of the ICE section
2nd meeting on Tuesday 20/07/2010 (15:30-17:00, 6/2-004)
ICE members: Benoit Salvant (BS), Christian Hansen (CH), Carlo Zannini (CZ), Diego Quatraro (DQ), Hugo Alistair Day (HD), Elena Benedetto (EB), Ewen Hamish Maclean (EHM), Elias Metral (EM), Elena Wildner (EW), Frank Schmidt (FS), Giovanni Rumolo (GR), Jean-Luc Nougaret (JLN), Kevin Shing Bruce Li (KL), Maria Carmen Alabau Pons (MCAP), Nicolo Biancacci (NB), Nicolas Mounet (NM), Olav Ejner Berrig (OB), Werner Herr (WH).
Present: BS, CH, CZ, HD, EB, EHM, EM, EW, FS, GR, JLN, KL, NB, NM, OB + Dobrin Kaltchev (from TRIUMF).
Excused: DQ, MCAP, WH.
1) Comments on the minutes of the 1st meeting + Actions
- No comment to the minutes except from WH for Action 2 (see below).
- Action 2 (WH) postponed as the top priority for the moment is to run the LHC machine.
- Action 1 (FS) => Done (see point 4))
- Action 3 (everybody) => Still waiting for some contributions.
2) Decisions on the ICE organization (room, time, etc).
- All the next ICE section meetings will take place on Wednesdays, every week, in room 6/2-004 (I reserved it until the end of 2011):
- When I will send the invitations each week, I will send only those to the 2nd part and I will send them also to the LIS and LCU members and members of the "impedance team". Please tell me if I should add other colleagues and feel free to forward the invitations to any interested person, depending on the subject.
- The CERN impedance web pages (as well as the ones for beam-beam etc.) should be maintained and linked to the ICE section web page.
3) General infos
- ABP organigram still under discussion and therefore not yet on the web.
- Web page still needed for the ICE section => In my personal web page for the moment (https://emetral.web.cern.ch/emetral/ => Section XIV)).
- Review of Proposed LHC Collimation Work in DS for 2012 (http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=100156) => Project approved. Reminder on the goals:
1) Review the overall priorities and the schedule defined in the LHC collimation project.
2) Review the work in the IR3 dispersion suppressors, proposed for 2012.
3) Take a decision on starting the work for a 2012 collimation upgrade in IR3:
a) Upgrade of DS.
b) Installation of vertical collimators into IR3 warm part.
- Reminder on holidays: On September 30th, all the days above 30 will be lost => Take them before!
- The high luminosity upgrade should be led by Luccio Rossi with Oliver Bruning acting as his deputy.
Request from William Andreazza (BE/BI) for the PS wire scanner (new universal
tank etc.) => They need some recommendations for the ferrite to be put
(deadline: Beginning of August)
- It seems that now the transverse dampers are ON during stable-beam operation and that the octupoles are removed (after discussin with W. Hofle, tbc). The transverse dampers are thus ON at injection and during the ramp (with injection tunes), switched OFF at top energy and switched ON again in stable beam with the collision tunes. The next step would be to have them ON also during the time needed to put the beams in collisions (but the tunes are changing during this time and it is more difficult).
4) Action 1 (FS)
- FS showed a nice example where a "Christmas tree" can be observed, considering only single-particle dynamics => Used a simple FODO cell + a sextupole + multipole components. The tunes were set to qx = 0.202 and qy = 0.31, and the study was performed in the horizontal plane with a negative detuning, meaning that when the amplitude is increased the tune decreases and therefore the particle approaches the 5th order resonance 0.2.
- Increasing the amplitude many lines appear and the lines also become thicker => SIXTRACK input: fort.2 and fort.3, Evolution of the (5,0) resonance (x Axis just amplitude steps => Last step = 10 mm), Lines spectrum (numbers in the legend are in mm).
- BS asked whether the observation made in the LHC could be of such a nature. Comment from EM (after the meeting): the Christmas tree observed in the LHC is linked to a coherent instability (from the whole beam).
5) Round table (everybody)
- EW mentioned in particular that she got the following remark from the international advisory panel (IAP EUROnu): "... try to benchmark collective effects estimations and simulations against experimental scaling with heavy ions at GSI and BNL" => To be followed up.
- FS mentioned in particular his co-responsibility to organize possible experiments at the Tevatron at the end of run II in 2011.
- Dobrin Kaltchev (from TRIUMF) was also with us:
- No collaboration with CERN this year. New collaboration possible next year. This is due to a new project at TRIUMF, which was financed last month, called ELINAC.
- DK is doing BBU studies these days but he worked in the past on beam-beam (weak-strong) with SIXTRACK.
- We should send a request directly to Rick Baartman (TRUMF) for any future collaboration.
6) Actions to be taken for the next meeting
- No other actions than ones of 1st meeting.
7) Miscellaneous
- Links to useful web pages:
- Old RLC section on "R&D and LHC Collective Effects": LHC nominal perfomance and LHC upgrade.
- Low impedance hardware design and CERN Impedance Database.
- Ecloud.
- Beam-beam and beam-beam compensation.
- Neutrino Factory (EUROnu WP3).
- (Nice) proposition from BS: section outing day => To be thought about during summer and we could organize something in September.
- The next (3rd) meeting will take place on 28/07/2010 => Agenda:
- EM simulations of the SPS pumping ports (OB).
Minutes by E. Metral, 23/07/2010.