- The CERN BE-ABP/ICE section started on 01/07/2010: Mandate and Goals for 2011 and organization.
- Meetings.
- Deadlines and important dates for ICE.
- List of Actions:
- 2010 to 2012.
- 2013.
- Round tables.
- Collective effects activity in 2010.
- Some instabilities observed at injection of the LHC in 2011.
- Collective effects activity in 2011 => New organization since16/02/2011 with 6 small working groups for the follow-up of the long-term activities (with web site + minutes):
- HEADTAIL development: Giovanni Rumolo.
- IMPEDANCE: Benoit Salvant (Elias Metral).
- Instabilities and beam losses.
- BEAM-BEAM: Werner Herr.
- Introduction to Beam-Beam effects at the LHC, OP Shutdown Lecture by Tatiana Pieloni (01/02/2011).
- ECLOUD: Frank Zimmermann.
- 2011 LHC scrubbing run (with 50 ns) + 25ns MD (27/08/11): Plan.
- SPACE CHARGE (interaction with resonances + compensation): Frank Schmidt.
- Notes by Alexander Molodozhentsev on PTC-ORBIT (what and how): /afs/cern.ch/user/a/amolodoz/publi/PTC-ORBIT-NOTES.
- BETA-BEAMS: Elena Wildner.
- ICE section's talk at ABP group meetings:
- 28-06-11.
- 18-06-12.
- 19-06-13 (all the presentations for the group).
- ICE papers for Conferences and Workshops.
- "How to" for the different instruments we use:
- LHC Schottky.
- Some highlights (for BE departmental meeting):
- 2010.
- 2011.
- 2011 ABP Christmas Party organized by ICE team:
- Ski outing day:
- 2012:
- Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
- 2013 (24-01): Some pictures.
- Week-end refuge on 22-23/06/201:
- Refuge Notre Dame des neiges au Plateau des Glieres.
- All pictures from Mauro Migliorati: http://pcaen1.ing2.uniroma1.it/migliorati/ICE_hike/ (elias / cernex).
- All pictures from Nicolo Biancacci: ~\Public\Photos\ICE_hike_23-06-2013 (under DFS).
- All pictures from Daria Astapovych: https://dfsweb.web.cern.ch/dfsweb/Services/DFS/DFSBrowser.aspx/Users/d/dastapov/Public/ICE_hiking/.
- Some pictures from Benoit Salvant: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Lunches:
- For Vittorio Vaccaro (25-06-2012):
- Card prepared by Nicolo Biancacci.
- Pictures from Benoit Salvant: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
- Foot tournament:
- 29-06-12 (OP vs. MD): Picture 1.