- BI


- BPM (some info).


- COD_Sextant_1

- COD_Sextant_2

- COD_Sextant_3

- COD_Sextant_4

- COD_Sextant_5

- COD_Sextant_6

- Correctors_H: Picture 1, 2 and 3 (SomeProblems). At maximum beam momentum (450 GeV/c) and maximum corrector current (3.5 A), the maximum kick is ~ 23 microrad. At minimum beam momentum (14 GeV/c) and maximum corrector current (3.5 A), the maximum kick is 450 / 14 ~ 32 times bigger, i.e. ~ 735 microrad => ExcelSheet_KickResponse_H.

- Correctors_V: Picture 1, 2 and 3. At maximum beam momentum (450 GeV/c) and maximum corrector current (3.5 A), the maximum kick is ~ 12 microrad. At minimum beam momentum (14 GeV/c) and maximum corrector current (3.5 A), the maximum kick is 450 / 14 ~ 32 times bigger, i.e. ~ 399 microrad => ExcelSheet_KickResponse_V.

- Interlocked_PC

- Kickers (SomeIssues)

- LatticeMeasurement

- MainBends (SomeProblems)

- MainQuadrupoles

- NotUsedPC

- Octupoles

- OperationalPC: Picture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

- Qmeter

- RF_MUGEFS: Picture 1 and 2

- ServoSpill. The name of this quad (which is in LSS1) is QE.11402 and it changes the tune (and therefore the optics, introducing some beta-beating) to try and extract the same amount of protons (i.e. to have a smooth spill). The recommendation from Karel is to use it between 0 and 1000 A (not above) => See pages 37-39 of https://jwenning.web.cern.ch/jwenning/documents/TrainingOP/Training-Slow-2008.ppt.

- Sextupoles

- SkewQuadrupoles

- SpecialMagnets



- z.MCS