Minutes of the ICE section
65th meeting on Wednesday 26/09/2012 (08:40-10:30, 6/2-004)
ICE members: Benoit Salvant (BS), Christian Hansen (CH), Carlo Zannini (CZ), Hugo Alistair Day (HD), Elena Benedetto (EB), Elias Metral (EM), Elena Wildner (EW), Frank Schmidt (FS), Giovanni Iadarola (GI), Giovanni Rumolo (GR), Jean-Luc Nougaret (JLN), Kevin Shing Bruce Li (KL), Nicolo Biancacci (NB), Nicolas Mounet (NM), Olav Ejner Berrig (OB), Serena Persichelli (SP), Tatiana Pieloni (TP), Werner Herr (WH), Xavier Buffat (XB).
Present/Excused: BS, CH, CZ, HD, EB, EM, EW, FS, GI, GR, JLN, KL, NB, NM, OB, SP, TP, WH, XB, Alessandro Vivoli, Alexander Molodozhentsev (from KEK), Alexej Grudiev, Alexey Burov (from FNAL), Andy Butterworth, Bettina Mikulec, Cedric Hernalsteens, Chandrashekhara Bhat (from FNAL), Christian Carli, Christine Vollinger, Daniel Valuch, Daniel Wollmann, Eirini Koukovini Platia, Elena Shaposhnikova, Fanouria Antoniou, Frank Zimmermann, Fritz Caspers, Gabriel Mueller, Gerad Tranquille, Gersende Prior, Giulia Papotti, Giuliano Franchetti (from GSI), Georges Trad, Hannes Bartosik, Harry Renshall, Haryo Sumowidagdo, Helmut Burkhardt, Humberto Maury Cuna, Javier Fernando Cardona, Ji Qiang (from LBNL), John Jowett, Kazuhito Ohmi (from KEK), Lajos Bojtar, Massimo Giovannozzi, Mathilde Favier, Michel Martini, Miriam Fiterrer, Octavio Dominguez Sanchez de la Blanca, Rama Calaga, Raymond Veness, Raymond Wasef, Riccardo de Maria, Roderik Bruce, Rogelio Tomas, Sandra Aumon, Simon White, Tatiana Libera Rijoff, Theodoros Argyropoulos, Tom Mertens, Uli Wienands (from SLAC), Valeri Lebedev (from FNAL), Vittorio Vaccaro (from Naples), Wolfgang Hofle, William Andreazza, Yannis Papaphilippou, Yuri Alexahin (from FNAL).
1) Newcomers / visitors
- None.
2) Comments on the minutes of the previous 64th meeting + Actions
- No comment.
3) General infos
- SL meeting:
- Nothing special to mention.
- News from LHC:
- MKI changed as foreseen with 19 strips instead of 15 and NEG coating in the bypass copper tubes. We predict for this new MKI that we should gain a factor 2-3 in temperature => To be followed up and checked (HD).
- MDs discussed for MD block #3.
- AP forum on 2-beam impedance on Friday 28/09/12 and on circular modes on Monday 01/10/12. Another one on NHT method will be planned after the MD period.
- HiLumi workshop in Frascati, 14-16/11/2012 => https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=183635.
- Several people from our team will go.
- TDI new results from AlexejG => To be discussed at next impedance meeting on Monday.
- Action for me/us from SteveM from the LMC held on 15/09 to look at the 2nd harmonic RF system and effect on the RF heating => EM discussed with PhilippeB and ElenaC and she will follow this up and present results soon. We should nevertheless organize a meeting altogether.
- NHT method compared to MD results => Seems that the impedance model is within a factor ~ 1.5-2 (for a Gaussian distribution... and the measured profile seems to have much more populated tails, which should help for Landau damping...).
- Comment from BS: LS1 is approaching and it becomes very hard (for Benoit and the impedance team with several members who have to write their thesis) to cope with all the impedance requests!
4) Summary of HB2012 WG-A on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (EM): pdf
- EM gave the summary he gave last week at HB2012.
- BS mentioned 2 particular discussions he had with some RHIC people and CSNS people:
- RHIC: Yun Luo was asking why they measured a positive coherent tune shift vs. intensity. BS said that it could be due to a larger quadrupolar impedance than the dipolar one => To be followed up.
- CSNS: BS discussed with them how to use CST and we will continue and work in close collaboration with them.
- AlexeyB mentioned also discussions he had with Claudio Rivetta about the wide-band damper and the classical bunch-by-bunch damper and the way they can increase considerably the beam stability. Still to be continued when Claudio will come to CERN for some SPS MDs in November (if I am not mistaken).
- BS discussed the 2-beam impedances with some colleagues at HB2012. Reminder: there will be the AP forum on Friday to review/discuss what was done in the past.
5) Actions to be taken for the next meeting
- Old actions.
6) Miscellaneous
- Deadlines and important dates for ICE.
- The next (66th) meeting will take place on 03/10/2012 => Agenda:
1) Coherent effects in the presence of beam-beam and impedance (Simon White).
- See preliminary agendas for the next meetings.
Minutes by E. Metral, 26/09/2012.