- Wednesday 04/04/12: All requests for TSC-2012-1 (Technical, Doctoral, Administrative Students) sent to DelphineR with cc to OliverB and EM. DelphineR will then send them to Catherine Rossat for Monday 16/04/12 (the committee will take place on Tuesday 24/04/12).

- Wednesday 11/04/12: All MARS sent to EM (who will send them to OliverB before Wednesday 18/04/12, who will sign them before Friday 27/04/12).

 - Friday 27/04/12: All requests for AFC-2012-1 (Associates and Fellows) sent to Catherine Rossat with cc to OliverB and EM (the committee will take place on Tuesday 15/05/12).

- Monday 30/04/12: Deadline to upload your IPAC12 papers to be reviewed by Oliver Bruning. Once your paper is ready for Olivers review can you please go to: https://espace.cern.ch/be-dep/IPAC2012/Forms/AllContributions.aspx, Click on the ABP folder, Click on you abstract, Click upload and upload your paper, Click on edit properties and change the name of your paper to the paper reference number. Please make sure that all other details (authors, presenter, abstract) are still correct. Papers should NOT be sent directly to the BE Head Office. Once reviewed and approved by Oliver the papers will be reviewed by Paul Collier (starting on Monday 7 May 2012). Once Paul Collier has approved the papers, approved will appear under the DH approval column. Once approved by Paul you will be allowed to submit your paper to IPAC (see below).

- From 21/05/12 to 25/05/12: IPAC2012 (http://www.ipac12.org/), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Abstract submission deadline = 07/12/11 and paper submission deadline = 15/05/12. People who will go: EM, EW and CZ (student grant). See ICE's list of abstracts and for all BE dept.

- From 05/06/12 to 08/06/12: ECLOUD12 (http://agenda.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4303), La Biodola (Isola d'Elba), Italy. Abstract submission deadline = 06/04/12 and paper submission deadline = 20/07/12. People who will go: GR, GI (student grant?), KL (only if external funding).

- Monday 18/06/12: ABP group meeting and barbecue.

- From 23/07/12 to 28/07/12: NuFACT2012 (http://www.jlab.org/conferences/nufact12/), Williamsburg, VA USA.

- From 19/08/12 to 24/08/12: ICAP12 (http://www.icap12.uni-rostock.de/en/welcome/), Rostock-Warnemnde, Germany. People who will go: GR and GI (both sponsored by FZ through EUCARD-AccNet) and NM (PS LIU budget).

- ~ August 2012: ICE hiking day (still) to be organised.

- From 17/09/12 to 21/09/12: HB2012 (http://hb2012.ihep.ac.cn/), Beijing, China. Abstract submission deadline = 17/06/12 and paper submission deadline = 15/09/12. People who will go: EM, BS and NB (if grant fully paying the travel).

- From 28/10/12 to 09/11/12: CAS - Introduction to Accelerator Physics - (http://cas.web.cern.ch/cas/Granada-2012/Granada-advert.html), Granada, Spain. People who will go: WH (paid by CAS), GI and SP.

- Thursday 01/11/12: All requests for AFC-2012-2 (Associates and Fellows) sent to Catherine Rossat with cc to OliverB and EM (the committee will take place on Tuesday 13/11/12).

- From 06/11/12 to 10/11/12: 8th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams & Instrumentation at CERN (https://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=1&confId=193710).

- From 14/11/12 to 16/11/12:

- HiLumi workshop in Frascati (https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=183635).

- HF2012 workshop "Accelerators for a Higgs Factory: Linear vs. Circular" at Fermilab (http://conferences.fnal.gov/hf2012/ ).

- Tuesday 20/11/12: All requests for TSC-2012-2 (Technical, Doctoral, Administrative Students) sent to Catherine Rossat with cc to OliverB and EM (the committee will take place on Tuesday 27/11/12).

- From 17/12/12 to 20/12/12: Evian workshop.

- 15/01/2013: Application deadline for 2013 Toohig fellowships (http://www.interactions.org/toohig/fellowship.html).

- 30/01/13: Mini-workshop on "Simulation of Power Dissipation and Heating from Wake Losses in Accelerator Structures", Diamond Light Source (http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/Events/Past_events/Simulation-of-Power-Dissipation---Heating-from-Wake-Losses.html).

- From 04/02/13 to 07/02/13: NuMass 2013 (The Future of Neutrino Mass Measurements: Terrestrial, Astrophysical, and Cosmological Measurements in the Next Decade) in Milano.

- 14/02/2013: Deadline to submit the "Summer Student Project Proposals for 2013" (estimated number of students BE Department can accommodate this year is 10). Final selection will be done during the week of 18 March.

- 19/02/2013: SAPPHIRE day (https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=231263).

- On 20/02/13: LIU-SPS ZS Electrostatic Septum Upgrade Review (http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=230800).

- From 21/02/2013 to 22/02/2013: Joint Snowmass-EuCARD/AccNet-HiLumi LHC workshop 'Frontier Capabilities for Hadron Colliders 2013', CERN (https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=223094).

- From 11/03/2013 to 13/03/2013: LHC Machine Protection (MPP) workshop, Annecy, 11-13 March 2013: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=227895.

- From 14/03/2013 to 15/03/2013: 7th meeting of the CERN Machine Advisory Committee (https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=235072).

- On 15/03/13: Review on 'Functional Requirements on LHC Transverse Instability Diagnostics after LS1': https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=234589.

- From 18/03/13 to 22/03/13: Beam Beam 2013 workshop at CERN (WH): https://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=2&confId=189544.

- From 26/03/13 to 27/03/13: nuSTORM workshop at CERN (Kenneth Long and EW): https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=219460.

- From 04/04/13 to 05/04/13: TLEP mini-workshop (CERN): http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=240814.

- On 12/04/13: LIU2013 day.

- From 16/04/13 to 19/04/13: Space charge 2013 workshop at CERN (FS and Giuliano Franchetti from GSI): http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=221441.

- From 24/04/13 to 04/05/13: Specialised CAS on Superconductivity for Accelerators in Erice, Italy.

- Friday 03/05/12: All requests for AFC-2013-1 (Associates and Fellows) sent by OliverB to Jeanette Schueler. Therefore, send the requests to DelphineR with cc to EM before 24/04/13. The committee will take place on 24/05/13.

- From 12/05/13 to 17/05/13: IPAC13 (http://www.ipac13.org/), Shanghai, China. Possible people who could go: EW, OB, XB, TP, KL, NB => Approved: TP. The deadline for the submission of the abstracts by group members for OliverBs approval is Friday 23/11/12 (https://espace.cern.ch/be-dep/IPAC13/, click ABP > New > New contribution). Once approved by the Group Leader and Department Head the abstracts can be submitted to IPAC13. The deadline for abstract submission to IPAC is 05/12/2012. The steps of the approval process of your papers are the following: (1) 22/04: papers to be ready for EliasM's approval; (2) 25/04: papers to be ready for OliverB's approval; (3) 29/04: deadline for uploading your papers with complete Group and Project Leader approval.

- From 20/05/13 to 24/05/13: EMTS 2013 (2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory: http://ursi-emts2013.org/), Hiroshima, Japan.

- From 30/05/13 to 31/05/13: LHC collimation review 2013: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=251588.

- From 10/06/13 to 14/06/13: COOL'13 Workshop, Murren, Switzerland.

- On 03/06/13: BE-KT Innovation Day.

- From 17/06/13 to 18/06/13: LHC Optics Measurement and Corrections Review.

- On 19/06/13: ABP group meeting and BBQ.

- On 22-23/06/13: Week-end at "Notre dame des neiges" => http://www.gite-refuge-les-glieres.fr/accueil_refuge_notre_dame_des_neiges.html.

- On 30/06/13: AlexeyB will leave us after 25 months. Many thanks for all AlexeyB!

- From 08/07/13 to 10/07/13: 3rd Low Emittance Ring Workshop (LOWeRING-2103), JAI Oxford.

- From 23/07/13 to 24/07/13: 1st Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator (ASTA) User's meeting, Fermilab. FS will go.

- On 30/07/13: Review of LIU SPS High Bandwidth Feedback System.

- From 18/08/13 to 29/08/13: Advanced CAS in Trondheim, Norway. WH, GR and TP as teachers. Participants from ICE: Giovanni Iadarola, Adrian Oeftiger (who should join CERN on 01/06/13).

- From 19/08/13 to 24/08/13: NuFact 2013, Beijing, China.

- 12/09/13: Accelerator consolidation day.

- From 16/09/13 to 19/09/13: IBIC2013 (http://ibic2013.org/), Oxford, England.

- From 16/09/13 to 21/09/13: WIN 2013 (http://hep.if.usp.br/WIN13/: XXIV workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos), Natal, Brazil => EW will go.

- From 25/09/13 to 26/09/13: 2-day internal review of LHC performance limitations (linked to transverse collective effects) during run I.

- On 01/10/13: Joint LIU-Ions / MSWG meeting (from 10:00 to 12:00, 874-1-011).

- On 04/10/13: LIU-SPS 50 ns Injection System for Pb Ions Review, CERN.

- From 16/10/13 to 18/10/13: TLEP6 workshop, CERN.

- From 29/10/13 to 31/10/13: Review of the LHC & Injectors Upgrade Plans Workshop (in Archamps: centre de convention).

- From 04/11/13 to 08/11/13: Internal basic CAS on accelerator science and technology for CERN participants only in Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland.

- From 11/11/13 to 15/11/13: 3rd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting hosted by the Cockcroft Institute and STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK.

- From 11/11/13 to 13/11/13: SuperKEKB commissioning workshop, KEK.

- On 21/11/13: Joint LIU-LAGUNA review on the need for a SPS collimation system.

- From 02/12/13 to 04/12/13: Workshop "Beam dynamics meets magnets", Darmstadt (FS involved).

- On 09/12/13: Mini-review on MKI upgrade in LS1, CERN.

- From 09/12/13 to 11/12/13: CERN LHC-CC13, 6th LHC Crab Cavity Workshop.

- From 16/01/14 to 17/01/14: Topical Workshop on Instabilities, Impedance and Collective Effects at the the SOLEIL synchrotron. Participants: GR, GI, KL, NB, SP.

- From 03/02/14 to 07/02/14: CLIC workshop at CERN.

- From 12/02/14 to 15/02/14: Kick-off meeting of the "Future Circular Collider Study" (FCC), University of Geneva.

- On 11/04/14: LIU day.

- From 23/04/14 to 29/04/14: Workshop on "Electromagnetic Wake Fields and Impedances in Particle Accelerators" in Erice (Sicily, Italy) => http://indico.cern.ch/e/EMWFI-erice2014.

- From 20/05/14 to 21/05/14: CERN SC Collaboration Meeting.

- From 15/06/14 to 20/06/14: IPAC'14 (http://www.ipac2014.org), Dresden, Germany.

- From 31/08/14 to 12/09/14: CAS (Introduction to Accelerator Physics), Prague, Czech Republic.

- From 17/11/14 to 21/11/14: Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting, KEK.

- From 23/11/14 to 29/11/14: CAS (Plasma Wake Acceleration), CERN.