- Elias Metral (chairman, BE/ABP).
- Jose Miguel Jimenez (alternate, TE/VSC) => Could be replaced by Sergio Calatroni.
- For TE/VSC (Vacuum, Surfaces and Coatings): Vincent Baglin and Giuseppe Bregliozzi (alternate).
- For EN/STI (Sources, Targets & Interactions): Oliver Aberle and Roberto Losito.
- For TE/ABT (Accelerator Beam Transfer): Wim Weterings (mechanical issues) and Mike Barnes (impedance-related aspects).
- For BE/RF (Radio Frequency): Fritz Caspers, Alexej Grudiev and Oleksiy Kononenko.
- For BE/BI (Beam Instrumentation): Rhodri Jones and Raymond Veness (alternate).
- For BE/ABP (Accelerators and Beam Physics): Benoit Salvant, Hugo Day and Olav Berrig (EM simulations and wire measurements), Ralph Assmann (task leader of the "Intensity limitations in the LHC" task within WP2 of the HL-LHC project) and Stefano Redaelli (LHC Collimation project leader).
- For EN/MME (Mechanical & Materials Engineering): Alessandro Bertarelli and Marco Garlasche.
- For TE/MSC (Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats): Vittorio Parma.
- Others?
Someone from the Design Office (i.e. designer of a particular equipment) might be needed at some point => Alessandro Bertarelli will be the link person.
Someone from Cryo could be invited at some point (after the first recommendations of the Task Force).