Minutes of the ICE section
13th meeting on Wednesday 24/11/2010 (08:40-10:30, 6/2-004)
ICE members: Benoit Salvant (BS), Christian Hansen (CH), Carlo Zannini (CZ), Diego Quatraro (DQ), Hugo Alistair Day (HD), Elena Benedetto (EB), Ewen Hamish Maclean (EHM), Elias Metral (EM), Elena Wildner (EW), Frank Schmidt (FS), Giovanni Rumolo (GR), Jean-Luc Nougaret (JLN), Kevin Shing Bruce Li (KL), Maria Carmen Alabau Pons (MCAP), Nicolo Biancacci (NB), Nicolas Mounet (NM), Olav Ejner Berrig (OB), Tatiana Pieloni (TP), Werner Herr (WH).
Present/Excused: BS, CH, CZ, DQ, HD, EB, EHM, EM, EW, FS, GR, JLN, KL, MCAP, NB, NM, OB, TP, WH, Massimo Giovannozzi, Humberto Maury Cuna, Christine Vollinger, Daniel Wollmann, Frank Zimmermann, .
1) Newcomers / visitors
- None.
2) Comments on the minutes of the 12th meeting + Actions
- No comment.
3) General infos
- Comment by CH on the batch system which seems to be full since several weeks. Some other people had similar problems => MassimoG said that there are special queues (such as for instance u_slap with special privileges) and that there is an IT meeting on 06/12/10 where this could be discussed. He also mentioned that LHC@Home can be used for DA and beam-beam.
- This is the last meeting of the year: The meetings foreseen on 01/12/10, 08/12/10 and 15/12/10 are cancelled due to LIU day, Operation workshop in Evian and LHC-CC workshop!
- ICE section lunch on FR 10/10/10 at Cafe de Peney?
- ICE ski day => To be organised by GR.
- Impedance web meeting this afternoon with in particular a talk by NM (similar to the one given at HB2010).
- Info I sent:
- ICE requested 2 PHD students.
- CAS on High Power Hadron Machines, Bilbao, May-June 2011.
- SL meetings on 10/11 and 18/11:
- The candidature of Prof. Vaccaro as associate was accepted.
- CNGS reached its goal for 2010, i.e. 3.8E19 pot.
- In the next AFCs, Scientific Associates will be charged to the group budget instead of the department budget.
- V. Kornilov will visit us in 2011 for one week to participate in MDs in PSB. GR is following this up.
- DelphineR would like to be informed in advance about visitors and students' arrivals.
- Novae will take over the service in Restaurant 2 and 3.
- Staff association is in contact with other banks to propose alternative to UBS.
- No extension of CNGS run in 2010, but an extension will be granted in 2011.
- It seems there are no strong reasons against running in 2012. However, there is a request to have a 3-month winter shut down.
- ELENA is supposed to require 14 MCHF and 66 FTE (37 FTE from CERN).
- News on the LHC:
- Thanks to all the people for the LHC MDs! => Still continue to analyse the data to present some results at the next LHCBCWG. I propose that at some ICE meetings next year each person present an equipment: How it works? Where it is physically? Data saved? Resolution? Mode of operation? etc. => Action 1: All people responsible for an equipment during the 2010 ecloud MDs with 50 and 75 ns beams.
- LHC has been running with ions until yesterday (2 1/microb have been achieved, the target being between 1 and 5
. Protons are back to study 75 ns and 50 ns beams. Given the many difficulties encountered so far, the ion operation might be delayed a bit.- Concerning the proton operation, 64 h should be devoted to MDs next week with 50 and and 75 ns beams to accumulate as many information as possible to prepare the 2011 run.
- Ecloud: Why did our group make its ecloud estimates from SEY between 1.1 and 1.7 whereas it seems to be known by everyone that for unbaked copper tube it is between 2 and 2.5?
4) Ecloud activities for the LHC (FZ): pptx
- FZ gave a detailed talk at the LHCBCWG held on 09/11/2010 (E-cloud build-up & instabilities: expectations, observations and outlook).
- Ecloud effects:
- vacuum pressure rise: desorption yield, pumping speed,
- single-bunch instability: interplay w. impedance & beam-beam
- multibunch instability
- incoherent emittance growth
- heat load in cold arcs (quench)
- perturbation of beam diagnostics (it seems LEP had some problems with the e+ ring)
- Modeling tools at CERN:
- ECLOUD => e-cloud build up, electron flux on wall (this is what is important for the vacuum and one needs help of the vacuum group to make the translation), heat load, multi-bunch wake field.
- HEADTAIL => e-cloud driven single-bunch instability, incoherent emittance growth, interplay w. impedance & space charge.
- MICROMAPS => Precise incoherent effects.
- FAKTOR2 => For 3 D. It seems to be 2D at the moment according to GR who is the custodian.
- At top energy in the LHC one should saturate with the SR only without avalanche but due to the sawtooth it should be OK (to be confirmed).
- Measurements from R. Cimino in 2003 of the SEY (also called deltamax) vs. primary energy of the e- => Probability of elastic e- reflection seems to approach 1 for 0 incident energy and is independent of deltamax. But this is a controversial, as it is very difficult to make precise measurements at very low energy.
- Present model of SEY => Secondary e- consist of true secondaries and elastically reflected; since 2003 we assume that elastic reflection is independent of theta (as we have no data). Re-diffused means that it has some scatter but we ignore it (M. Furman includes rediffused electrons and finds that they increase the heat load by 100%). In the formulae, s is a fit parameter that was measured to be equal to 1.35 for LHC Cu samples.
- Reminder: All measurements are usually done for theta = 0, i.e. perpendicular incidence. For metallic surface it should depend on theta, but for amorphous carbon it might be isotrope as there are may be a lot of hills and valleys.
- In-situ conditioning in the SPS (2002).
- SPS benchmarking 2004, strip detector simulation:
- Surface conditions (deltamax, Reflectivity R) and detector properties are uncertain => Constrain parameters by benchmarking multiple measurements, change distance between trains & use relative measurements.
- 3 curves intersect at deltamax=1.35, R=0.3 => We will repeat this analysis for the LHC. Action 2: FZ and ecloud team.
- deltamax=1.2 was even reached at some point in the SPS!
- Simulated heat-load for nominal LHC:
- 25 ns => SEY < 1.5 needed.
- 50 ns => No problem (SEY studied until 1.7 only!).
- Why SEY not studied above 1.7? Firstly, before a certain year the ECLOUD code could not simulate a SEY > 2. Then this was solved but it seems that the ABP group was never asked to simulate cases with SEY > 2.
- Reminder: At HL (High Luminosity) we have in addition to cool the IRs, and therefore the cooling capacity decreases.
- Ecloud can lead to SBI (Single-Bunch Instability):
- SBI threshold ecloud density ~3E11 m-3 at injection and for Qprime ~ 2. But, one should have this density almost everywhere in the ring to have the instability, i.e. that it should be in the cold regions.
- At an ecloud density of 6E11m-3, the intensity threshold is Nbth ~ 6E10 p/b, still for Qprime ~ 2.
- At an ecloud density of 6E11m-3, the instability is suppressed for Qprime > 15.
- BUT, then a slow emittance growth below threshold is observed => Slow emittance growth never vanishes; precise value depends on optics & e-cloud distribution around the ring.
- Surface conditioning => Surface conditioning by e- bombardment and surface conditioning by synchrotron light
- Presentation to LHC MAC 10 June 2005 => The challenge is to decrease deltamax to 1.3 with a stable beam.
- Ecloud in the LSS:
- e- cloud simulations at 25-ns bunch spacing for the two-beam IR sections were performed by GR, Adriana Rossi and FZ in the period 1999-2002 to specify the acceptable maximum secondary emission yield in this region: nominal LHC beam & SEY values between 1.1 and 1.4 had been considered.
- New simulations for much higher SEY are being launched.
- Early preliminary LHC findings:
- At 50 ns spacing strong evidence for large e- cloud build up in warm and cold sections.
- Cold sections are of bigger concern.
- Both heat load & instability in 3rd and 4th train indicate SEY deltamax ~ 2.5 & R = 0.5 or R ~ 2.2 & R = 1.0 in the arcs.
- Average e- cloud density ~ 6E11 m-3 (deduced from Qprime effect).
- Expected tune shift ~ 2.5E-3.
- New simulations for LSS and more simulations for arcs are in progress.
- Determine R from memory effect between trains.
- Ongoing, planned & proposed studies:
- ECLOUD simulations (Humberto, Octavio):
- SPS benchmark ONGOING (Octavio)
- LHC LSS at 150 ns PLANNED (Humberto)
- Memory effect in LSSs at 50 ns PLANNED (Octavio?)
- Simulations for arc ONGOING (Humberto)
- Multi-bunch wake field and CBI rise times
- Scrubbing scenario for 2011
- Scrubbing optimization for 2011 => Help from Theo Demma and/or Ubaldo Iriso?
- Extended LHC forecast PLANNED (Humberto)
- HEADTAIL simulations (TP, KL?, GR? EB?):
- Tune shift with stripes (question by StephaneF)
- SBI threshold and growth rates
- e- cloud induced energy loss & phase shift
- Effect of transverse offset (question by WolfgangH)
- Incoherent effects - collaboration with Giuliano Franchetti from GSI (?)
- Interplay with beam-beam
5) Material characterization method and ferrite's results (Christine Vollinger, BE/RF): pdf
- Christine talked about the material characterization for the 18 MHz to 40 MHz sweep-tunable RF system.
- The ferrite changes the magnetic permeability μ and then the resonant frequency of the cavity. With external couplers we lose efficiency.
- RF tuning cavity with magnetic bias:
- Examples for perpendicular (Friedrichs, 1991) and parallel (Gardner, 1991) bias.
- Issue: High tuning range (18-40 MHz) is needed, but no ferrite is known to cover that range.
- Parallel + perpendicular biasing possible ? (one way out proposed by Smythe in 1983...) => Leads to 2 primary goals:
- Characterization of ferrite samples with different saturation and line widths under different bias conditions in the required f-range (this required a dedicated test set-up, since supplier data does not exist PART 1).
- Verification of Smythes claims (PART 2) => Smythe suggested in 1983 to use (a 2-directional magnetic bias field):
- Transverse bias to get close to saturation (reduces losses).
- Additional parallel bias for tuning (less bias required for same μ-range).
- Smythe had no measurement data to support his claims.
- 1st requirement for a f-range of 18-40 MHz is a μ-range of approx. 5 (since f is inversely proportional to Sqrt[μ]).
- Ratio of minimum to maximum f is given by Sqrt[μmax/ μmin]; μmax is the value at minimum bias field.
- Measurement set-up:
- Building 168, belongs to ALICE.
- 1-port frequency swept measurement with NWA chosen to obtain complex S11. From S11, the complex DUT impedance is determined and the complex μ can be calculated.
- μ = μ' -j μ'' (dispersive and dissipative part), where magnetic quality: Qm= μ'/ μ''.
- Measurements done in perpendicular bias for 3 materials: Y36, G300 and G510.
- Reminder: what is needed is a μ' ratio of ~ 5 and a μ'' of ~ 0.1 (i.e. reasonable losses).
- From the measurement done on the G300 sample, it appears as if the method is promising and could work; we will continue further tests with other samples and higher parallel bias fields.
6) IR3MBC collimators status (NM): ppt
- Finally not discussed due to time constraint.
7) Actions to be taken for the next meeting
- Old actions.
- New actions:
- Action 1 (All people responsible for an equipment during the 2010 ecloud MDs with 50 and 75 ns beams): Present a LHC equipment: How does it work? Where is it physically? Data saved? Resolution? Mode of operation? etc.
- Action 2 (FZ and ecloud team): Redo in the LHC the same analysis as the one done in the past in the SPS by DanielS (Constrain parameters by benchmarking multiple measurements, change distance between trains & use relative measurements to deduce deltamax and R and possibly Emax).
8) Miscellaneous
- The next (14th) meeting will take place on 19/01/2011 => Agenda:
1) Round table
2) News on ecloud (to prepare
3) News on beam-beam (to prepare
Chamonix2011 the week after)- See preliminary agendas for the next meetings.
Minutes by E. Metral, 03/01/2011.